About Us

Orlando Area Navigators

Our Team

Noah Gulliver
Tom Pearl
Greg Johnson
Backpacking ministry
Don Hartner


Your "Trail Life" culture is teaching boys and fathers how to follow Jesus. What is it teaching them?


Disciplemaking in a troop doesn’t happen by osmosis. The Chaplain, Troopmaster, and Adult leaders must be committed to building, nourishing, and sustaining cultures of life-to-life disciplemaking. What we teach, and model sets the culture for our troops. In other words, your Trail Life troop is perfectly calibrated to make the disciples it’s making. 


Our Growing intentional Disciple Making (GiDC) process starts with the culture you have and intentionally grows it into what you want it to be


Together we can help you build a disciplemaking culture in your troop to impact the world.

You don’t need us. You could read a lot of books, learn by trial and error, and figure it out, but why learn by trial and error when you could have an experienced guide and coach at your side? Our three-year Growing intentional Disciplemaking Cultures (GiDC) process equips you to build a disciplemaking culture that impacts the community. We’ve taken hundreds of church leaders through this highly relational, intentional, and missional process. 

The GiDC has three distinct phases that produce three distinct biblical outcomes:

1. CORE Team:

A disciplemaking culture is only as strong as its foundation. In this phase we help you develop a CORE team that serves as that foundation. As key disciplemaking leaders are built they begin to live out and then function as MODELS in the Trail Life culture.

2. Culture:

A disciplemaking culture is focused and calibrated to make disciples at every level. In this phase, we focus on key elements of culture such as shared language, values, vision, and practices. MATURITY comes as we align our words and our deeds, our priorities and our actions. As maturity develops within the troop culture, layers of leaders develop common heart, vision, and skill in disciplemaking.

3. Community:

A disciplemaking culture is focused out towards the lost. We don’t make dead-end disciplemaking cultures. In this final phase, the focus is outward. We’ve been practicing it all along, but now we focus on going into the community and impacting others with a threefold strategy to MULTIPLY where people live, work, and play.

This isn’t a program. Our process is adaptable and has been proven in hundreds of churches around the country. We customize the process to each church’s unique culture. Ready to get started? We’re excited to help you. We know the path. We understand the obstacles. We’ve charted a course. We know what resources are required to reach the destination.


Contact us today. Our first step will be to conduct a free culture assessment for your church or troop.

The Navigators is a community of friends of all ages who want to know God and Jesus Christ, and who want to love and encourage each other while walking through life together. There are no prerequisites or specific affiliations required to participate in Navigators activities. We encourage you to come just as you are to enjoy friendship and community with us as we seek to understand who God is and why it matters.Thanks for checking out our group. We would love to invite you to connect with us. Please check out our events or contact pages."For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes... " Romans 1:16

What We Do

The Navigators ministry serves as an open door to share Jesus each year through life-on-life relationships, recreation, and discipleship. Our goal is to equip others with the skills and tools for them to advance the gospel wherever life leads.We believe that discipleship is friendship with a vision. The Navigators desire to come alongside, live life with you and to help you know Christ, make Him known, and help others do the same."As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." 1 Peter 4:10

Who We Serve

We relate to you where you are at in life right now. We offer prayer groups, evangelism teams, women's and men's Bible study groups, Nav Nights (large group meetings), leadership training sessions, E-Team, Investigative Bible Conversations, outreach events (which usually include large amounts of food), and general fun activities (games, potlucks, hiking, biking, camping, baseball and football tournaments and outings, frisbee golf ,and bistro time, etc.)As we serve we want to love and encourage each other while walking through life together. There are no prerequisites or specific affiliations required to participate in Navigators activities. We encourage you to come just as you are to enjoy friendship and community with us as we seek to understand who God is and why it matters."Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28

Why We Serve

Navigators ministries believes Jesus came so that everyone who believes in Him "may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). People need this abundant life that God offers through Jesus. The heartbeat of The Navigators is discipleship. Jesus came alongside a few ordinary people at a pivotal point in history and walked with them so that they might know Him, and make Him known. Our goal is to be amongst those we serve. We desire to show them Christ's love in a truthful and powerful way, that will change their lives forever."We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too." 1 Thessalonians 2:8